Участь у роботі творчої групи вчителів англійської мови ЧЗШ № 12.

     Співавтор публікації  у Методичному віснику ІМЦО м. Червоноград 2015 р.

Використання краєзнавчих матеріалів на уроках англійської мови з метою формування комунікативної компетентності.

    Розробки завдань для семестрового контролю з читання та аудіювання та практичне застосування краєзнавчих текстів про Червоноград на уроках англійської мови та у позакласній роботі.

Form 6
                                                                    HOME TOWN
Imagine a small town in the west of Ukraine in the middle of spring.  Two parallel streets are sinking in chestnut blossom. Five- storeyed buildings are hiding behind green trees. This is the centre of a small miners’ town  Chervonograd.

 The people who live in these buildings know each other well. Grandmas often sit on the benches and talk about everyday events. Grandpas play chess or domino. Young mothers walk with their children in the park . Schoolboys always play football in the yard and girls jump over rubber strips. Mothers and fathers come from work and stop for a minute to have a chat and rest. This is a typical late afternoon in quiet Chervonograd area.

Chervonograd is a really nice and peaceful town. This is a good place for family life. People get married, have babies, then children start schools, leave them at the age of 17. After that they leave home and go to universities in the cities. This is the town where men get jobs in mines or start small businesses. Women work in shops, banks, schools or sell things on the market.

Fifty years ago life was almost the same.  People worked in mines, spent time with families and friends. But there was one special thing- Chervonograd was the town of flowers. Red tulips were in the spring. Beautiful colourful roses were all over the town in summer and autumn was yellow. Now there not so many flowers but autumn is still yellow.

Task 1   Match collocations
Special, home, chat, good, football, small, five-storeyed, everyday, schools
1. …            town
2.  …          buildings
3. …            events
4. play….
5. have a ……….
6. a ……place for
7. leave …….
8. work in ………
9. ….     thing

Task 2 Choose
  1. Chervonograd is in the…of Ukraine.
a)east     b)west   c)north-west
2. The 5-storeyed buildings are in the…
a) city   b)village   c)centre of town
3. Grandmas often…
a)play chess    b)chat   c)listen to the radio
4.Chervonograd is… town.
a)nice and quiet   b)nice and noisy c) nice and quite big
5. Men work in …
a)shops and market  b)mines   c)big business.
6. In the past there were … in Chervonorgad.
a)many people   b) flowers  c) chestnut trees.

Task 3 True/ False
  1. Chervonograd is in the east of Ukraine.
  2. There are not very tall buildings in the centre.
  3. Many businessmen live here.
4.Children don’t have place to play in Chervonograd
      5.There is no university in Chervonograd.
6.There are many flowers in Chervonograd now.

Task 4 Answer the questions.
  1. Describe your house or your flat in Chervonograd.
  2. What is your favourite place in Chervonograd?
  3. Where do you like playing or walking in Chervonograd?

Form 9
    It’s high time to confess honestly hardly anybody knows the real history of Khrystynopil. However, it is a sacred duty to know the main points of our history. How was our town founded? How far does its roots go back into history? Who settled here?
    The first settlements of ancient tribes refer to the IV-III centuries BC. The next period of intensive populating was the epoch of Kyiv Rus. The settlement called Horodyshche appeared. Later a new settlement Novy Dvir appeared in the close area. The first written recollection about Novy Dvir belonged to 1613 and then this place became the outskirts of Khrystynopil.  The archeological materials are a convincing evidence of it.
   In the XVII century the advance of Poland was noticeable in the political and cultural life. In May 1685 the crown hetman of Rich Pospolyta Felix Kazymyr Pototsky – one of the richest Polish magnates – acquired the estate in the picturesque locality at the Western Bug. He began to build a stone palace. Since then a new palace became the centre of the estate. In 1692 Pototsky appealed the the King with the request to let the settlement and a new estate have a municipal right. Simultaneously the name Khrystynopil is mentioned for the first time. He named the town after his wife Khrystyna.
   Khrystynopil experienced its prosperity within the rule of Frantsyshek Salezy Pototsky. He was famous for his great philanthropy – he built hospitals and one of them was founded by the Bernandyn monastery in Khrystynopil. His wife Anna Pototska was also popular for her numerous charitable foundations.
   Within the rule of Frantsyshek Pototsky this palace became a real creation of art. The combination of two styles baroque and early classicism was very interesting in the architectural form of the palace. A wonderful park with the water cascades behind the building should be mentioned here. The lime alley was planted near the park. It’s a pity that we can’t admire all those wonderful masterpieces nowadays.
   Beginning with 1772 a rapid life in Khrystynopil began falling into decay. In January Anna Pototska died. Her son Stanislav became the owner of the estate. In March he sold Khrystynopil.
   It is known from the files that 153 citizens lived in Khrystynopil in 1784. The Rynok square was populated mainly by Jews. Shoemaking was the main trade of the local people. Not far from the Rynok square there were the largest worship buildings – those of Bernadyn and Vasylian monasteries.
   In 1890 there lived 3565 inhabitants: among them 287 Ukrainians, 556 Polish and 2722 Jews. Only 500 people could read and write in Khrystynopil at that time and 82% of the population was illiterate. The main trades were shoemaking and agriculture. In1951 Khrystynopil formed part of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic. Then the former Khrystynopil was forgotten and instead of it the history of a new mining town Chervonograd began.

      Task 1 Match the numbers to the letters ( 3 points)
1          .       roots                    a) ask
2          .        inhabitant           b) happening at the same time
3          .       the outskirts       c) when people have everything for a good life
4          .       appeal                  d) anything done with mastery skill
5          .       simultaneously   e) the furthest part from a town or a city
6          .       prosperity            f) relating to giving help to the poor
7          .       charitable            g)  a permanent resident
8          .       masterpiece        h) the origin or main part of something
9          .       tribes                     i)   social groups of people with the same way of life                        
      Task 2 Are the statements TRUE or FALSE?   ( 3 points)
1.       Horodyshche appeared after Novy Dvir.
2.       The center of Khrystynopil came from Novy Dvir.
3.       Khrystynopil was named after the wife of the owner of the palace.
4.       Anna Pototska was famous for her kindness.
5.       The area around the palace was well-designed.
6.       In the XIX century the main population in Khrystynopil were Ukrainains.
Task 3  Answer the questions based on the text ( 3 points)
1.       When did the first settlements on the territory of Khrystynopil appear?
2.       Who was Felix Kzymyr Pototsky?
3.       Why did Felix Kazymyr Pototsky appeal the king in 1692?
4.       What styles did the palace combine?
5.       What was the main trade in Khrystynopil in the XVIII century?
6.       What does number 82 refer to in the text?
      Task 4 Write a letter to your pen friend in Britain and invite him to spend a week in your            home            town.( 150-200 words) Include the following information ( 3 points)
    - Thank him for a lovely present he sent you;
    - Invite him to your home town;
    - Suggest the things you can do together;
    - Advise him what things he should bring with him. 

Розробки уроків із використанням краєзнавчих матеріалів.

6 клас
Тема: Моє рідне місто. My native town.
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Мета уроку: розвиток комунікативних навичок учнів на основі інформації , отриманої з тексту для читання.
Цілі уроку:
v  Освітні
- удосконалювати навики усного мовлення;
- навчити отримувати, осмислювати та опрацьовувати інформацію з різних джерел, а зокрема тексту;
- удосконалювати навики адіювання;
- ознайомити з новим лексичним матеріалом до теми;
v  Розвиваючі
- розвивати вміння працювати в групах;
- розвивати творчі здібності учнів;
- розвивати прагнення  учнів оволодіти ноземною мовою;
v  Виховні
- виховувати в учнів повагу та любов до рідного міста;
- формувати вміння аргументувати свою думку;
- розширювати пізнавальні інтереси учнів.

1.      Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Greeting and Aim
      Do you know the saying «Home, sweet home»? We say it about the place we live in, about the people we live with, our family. At our lesson today we are going to speak about these things.
    2.  Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Warming up
2.1  Прослуховування римування.
Учитель декламує римування, записане на дошці.
The streets go up, the streets go down
And in and out about the town,
And in the streets the buses run
Two by two or one by one.
2.2  Бесіда з учнями.
Учні  слухають римування і по черзі відповідають на запитання вчителя  
 Where do you live?
Is it a village, a town or a city?
 What street do you live in?
 Describe your street.
 Do you live in a house or in a flat?
 Is it comfortable?
 Who do you live with?
Do you love your home?

1.      Ознайомлення з новим лексичним матеріалом
(лексичні одиниці записані на дошці)
2.      Етап читання тексту
2.1  Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.
a) Активізація в мовленні учнів ЛО
Match the words with their translations.
Five- storeyed                 щоденні події
Miner                             майже такий же
have a chat                     тюльпани
typical                            типовий
 peaceful                         пятиповерховий
tulips                              мирний
almost the same              побалакати
everyday events               шахтар
2.2  Reading. Етап читання.
a) Читання тексту мовчки

Home Town
Imagine a small town in the west of Ukraine in the middle of spring.  Two parallel streets are sinking in chestnut blossom. Five- storeyed buildings are hiding behind green trees. This is the centre of a small miners’ town  Chervonograd.

 The people who live in these buildings know each other well. Grandmas often sit on the benches and talk about everyday events. Grandpas play chess or domino. Young mothers walk with their children in the park . Schoolboys always play football in the yard and girls jump over rubber strips. Mothers and fathers come from work and stop for a minute to have a chat and rest. This is a typical late afternoon in quiet Chervonograd area.

Chervonograd is a really nice and peaceful town. This is a good place for family life. People get married, have babies, then children start schools, leave them at the age of 17. After that they leave home and go to universities in the cities. This is the town where men get jobs in mines or start small businesses. Women work in shops, banks, schools or sell things on the market.

Fifty years ago life was almost the same.  People worked in mines, spent time with families and friends. But there was one special thing- Chervonograd was the town of flowers. Red tulips were in the spring. Beautiful colourful roses were all over the town in summer and autumn was yellow. Now there not so many flowers but autumn is still yellow.
b)Читання вголос окремих абзаців
Read about …
§  Jobs and family life
§  The centre of the town
§  Everyday events
§  A special thing of the town
2.3            Post-Reading Activities. The Quiz  “ I love my native town”
Вікторина «Я люблю своє місто»
Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.
 Робота в групах: учні поділяються на окремі групи (команди) і намагаються якнайшвидше виконати завдання з опорою на текст і отримати більше балів. Команда з найбільшою кількістю балів отримує перемогу і титул знавця рідного міста.)
а) Match the collocations
Special, home, chat, good, football, small, five-storeyed, everyday, schools
1. …            town
2.  …          buildings
3. …            events
4. play….
5. have a ……….
6. a ……place for
7. leave …….
8. work in ………
9. ….     Thing
b) Choose the correct words
  1. Chervonograd is in the…of Ukraine.
a)east     b)west   c)north-west
2. The 5-storeyed buildings are in the…
a) city   b)village   c)centre of town
3. Grandmas often…
a)play chess    b)chat   c)listen to the radio
4.Chervonograd is… town.
a)nice and quiet   b)nice and noisy c) nice and quite big
5. Men work in …
a)shops and market  b)mines   c)big business.
6. In the past there were … in Chervonorgad.
a)many people   b) flowers  c) chestnut trees
c)  Say true or false
  1. Chervonograd is in the east of Ukraine.
  2. There are not very tall buildings in the centre.
  3. Many businessmen live here.
  4. Children don’t have place to play in Chervonograd.
  5. There is no university in Chervonograd.
  6. There are many flowers in Chervonograd now.
2.      Speaking      
Усне мовлення                                    
3.1 Imagine   the following situation. Marta is a guide. Ask her some guestions about Chervonograd .
З кожної команди по одному учаснику виходять до дошки і дають відповіді на запитання, а решту учасників задають запитання. Бали команди отримують і за правильні запитання , і за правильні відповіді.
1. Підведення підсумків конкурсу
Визначення та нагородження переможців.
2 . Підведення підсумків уроку.
1.1              Домашнє завдання.

На основі опрацьованого тексту написати есе My native town


Позакласний захід у 9 класі.

Тема:  Червоноград – сьогодення та минуле.
Мета: поглиблювати інтерес до історії рідного краю, знайомити з географічним та економічним положенням. Розвивати цікавість до рідного краю, рідного міста. Дати відчути приналежність до української нації. Виховувати любов до рідного краю, до своєї держави, бажання більше знати про неї.
Форма проведення: екскурсія.
   І етап – підготовчий
  ІІ етап – екскурсія
  ІІІ етап – представлення презентацій
 Хід заняття.
І етап
  В підготовчому етапі беруть участь учні , які найкраще в класі володіють іноземною мовою.
Ці учні опрацьовують заздалегідь   підготовлені тексти про сьогодення та історію рідного краю для проведення екскурсії.

1. Chervonograd, in the west of Ukraine, is a peaceful, calm and absolutely quiet, tiny town. It is neither a city of glass skyscrapers in the desert like Dubai, nor an ancient architectural masterpiece such as Prague, London or Rome. You will never be bewildered by the streets' web, you won't have a chance to get stuck in a traffic jam or you won't be able to spend a day shopping and entertaining in the mall as there is no one here.
2. Sounds boring? Don't feel tedious because it is not. Chervonograd  indeed is a nice and comfortable place for raising kids, having family reunions, spending quiet afternoons outdoors in the company of friendly and cheerful neighbours.  It is equally amazing  while sinking in the summer greenery and in frozen beauty of winter.
3. This town is large enough for 50 000 people. It has got a few hotels for a rare visitor, restaurants, pubs, pizza places, supermarkets and corner shops, a big market place with clothes, goods, Polish and Italian products  and of course organic food produced by local farmers.  The green and cozy park is a special place for young mothers, those in love, youngsters and elderly people.
4. The children being raised here go to numerous kindergartens from the age of 3 till 6, later on they get primary and secondary education in dozen of schools, amongst which one may choose Chervonograd Gymnasium, Specialised secondary schools in Foreign languages, in Art education. Gifted kids develop their talents in  the music school,  the art school, the children theatre, dancing clubs.
5. Sport lovers find various sport facilities available - sport schools, three swimming pools, sport grounds. There is a big stadium' Shakhtar' which provides a lot of opportunities for doing different sports and a modern gym' Aero" for those who live healthily.
6. Where does an average citizen make a living? This small western town has one peculiarity - it is a miner town. Majority of the population work  in mines. The others run  their own small businesses or work in the sphere of service.
 All in all it's a typical Ukrainian working town with its inner charm.

    It’s high time to confess honestly hardly anybody knows the real history of Khrystynopil. However, it is a sacred duty to know the main points of our history. How was our town founded? How far does its roots go back into history? Who settled here?
    The first settlements of ancient tribes refer to the IV-III centuries BC. The next period of intensive populating was the epoch of Kyiv Rus. The settlement called Horodyshche appeared. Later a new settlement Novy Dvir appeared in the close area. The first written recollection about Novy Dvir belonged to 1613 and then this place became the outskirts of Khrystynopil.  The archeological materials are a convincing evidence of it.
   In the XVII century the advance of Poland was noticeable in the political and cultural life. In May 1685 the crown hetman of Rich Pospolyta Felix Kazymyr Pototsky – one of the richest Polish magnates – acquired the estate in the picturesque locality at the Western Bug. He began to build a stone palace. Since then a new palace became the centre of the estate. In 1692 Pototsky appealed the the King with the request to let the settlement and a new estate have a municipal right. Simultaneously the name Khrystynopil is mentioned for the first time. He named the town after his wife Khrystyna.
   Khrystynopil experienced its prosperity within the rule of Frantsyshek Salezy Pototsky. He was famous for his great philanthropy – he built hospitals and one of them was founded by the Bernandyn monastery in Khrystynopil. His wife Anna Pototska was also popular for her numerous charitable foundations.
   Within the rule of Frantsyshek Pototsky this palace became a real creation of art. The combination of two styles baroque and early classicism was very interesting in the architectural form of the palace. A wonderful park with the water cascades behind the building should be mentioned here. The lime alley was planted near the park. It’s a pity that we can’t admire all those wonderful masterpieces nowadays.
   Beginning with 1772 a rapid life in Khrystynopil began falling into decay. In January Anna Pototska died. Her son Stanislav became the owner of the estate. In March he sold Khrystynopil.
   It is known from the files that 153 citizens lived in Khrystynopil in 1784. The Rynok square was populated mainly by Jews. Shoemaking was the main trade of the local people. Not far from the Rynok square there were the largest worship buildings – those of Bernadyn and Vasylian monasteries.
   In 1890 there lived 3565 inhabitants: among them 287 Ukrainians, 556 Polish and 2722 Jews. Only 500 people could read and write in Khrystynopil at that time and 82% of the population was illiterate. The main trades were shoemaking and agriculture. In1951 Khrystynopil formed part of the Ukrainian Socialist Republic. Then the former Khrystynopil was forgotten and instead of it the history of a new mining town Chervonograd began.

ІІ етап
Окремі учні 9 класу спільно з екскурсоводом проводять екскурсію для своїх однокласників у замку Потоцьких.
 Під час екскурсії учні отримують завдання :
-         На основі отриманої інформації створити презентації  :
І група учнів – « Chervonograd nowadays»
ІІ група учнів – «From the history of Chervonograd»

ІІІ етап
 Представлення презентацій учнів.

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